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The materials on this site are designed to help you grow up in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Bible studies are verse by verse expository teaching through the Bible found under the tab “Sermons.” Most of the sermons are in text format. Some Topical messages are available as well as a Survey of the Bible. The studies were compiled from over 12 years of pastoral ministry designed to equip believers to grow toward maturity “in Christ”. Those who respond to the Gospel for the forgiveness of sin, whom Christ alone provides, are to daily grow up in the grace, strength, and love found in Him. As believers submit to God and His Word through the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, regardless of contrary feelings or negative circumstances, spiritual growth will occur and believers will be the salt and light to the world. May all believers in word and deed proclaim the true gospel, making disciples until Christ returns. In addition to Bible Studies that will help you know and grow up in Christ there are links to sites that will assist you in discerning truth from error. All content still must be filtered through God’s Word which is the only infallible absolute standard of truth. We live in a time of growing apostasy and false gospels. Truth matters. Jude 1:3 says to “earnestly contend for the faith once for all handed down to the saints.” Genuine believers must stand firm on the truth of His Word in the power of His Spirit, even though at times it may “rock the boat”. Be alert, have courage, and do all things in the love of Christ for His glory. |
Equipping, maturing, growing up to the fullness of Christ…to be discerning and built up in love…Ephesians 4:11-16